All members must be over 18. Membership is strictly non-transferable and is personal to each member. Under no circumstances may a member give, sell or transfer his/her membership without the prior permission of

a Director from the Partnership. If the management of the Partnership is of the opinion at any given time that there are insufficient members to fund the club’s activities at a level consistent with its objectives and the

terms of the members agreement, then its reserves the right not to proceed with the club and to refund to all those who have paid an annual membership fee the proportionate amount of that subscription without

interest. In the unfortunate death of a member, the remaining subscription can either be refunded or allocated to another named individual.


Entertainer Membership - An allocation of 18 credits to be used on a flexible basis throughout the year. Socialite Membership - An allocation of 12 credits to be used on a flexible basis throughout the year. Founder

Membership - An allocation of 25 credits to be used on a flexible basis throughout the year.

All memberships are on a strictly annual basis unless agreed with a Director of The Partnership Collection.


Subscriptions fees are agreed by a Director of The Partnership Collection either on an annual basis or monthly via GoCardless as per price tariff. Additional agreement made by and authorised by a Director only.

Membership is on an annual basis and includes all advertised and agreed events/activities within that given year. All subscriptions, deposits and waiting lists fees are non-refundable. A member may terminate his

membership after the first month by giving one month’s notice of their intention. Cancellation / termination of membership must be made in writing to The Partnership Director, at the above correspondence address.

Upon resignation of membership or failure to pay the monthly fee by the required date the member shall forfeit his or her subscription. Should a member be paying membership on a monthly basis and cancel their

subscription any additional event spaces, administration fees taken above fees paid are recoverable. Membership is one full calendar year from the date of joining and event spaces cannot be carried over from the

previous year. Regular emails will also be sent to members to ensure they are fully aware of every aspect of the Partnerships activities. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the maximum liability of the Partnership to

a member arising out of or in connection with the members membership of the club shall not exceed three times the most recent annual membership fee payable by the member at the time of the event or occurrence

giving rise to the liability. The Partnership Director will have the sole right and obligation to manage the day-to-day affairs of the club and will liaise with the relevant authorities to ensure all regulations are adhered to

all times. The Partnership Management reserves the right to terminate at any stage membership from individuals which it deems have brought either or both The Partnership into disrepute. Membership is strictly non-transferable. VAT will be added to all subscriptions and refunds. All members must fill in the personal information form on being accepted for membership and again at renewal, so we have up to date and current

information for all members for both health & safety and insurance purposes.


Event spaces are allocated to members on a first come first served basis, although every precaution has been taken to ensure members are given event options far enough in advance and we do not want anyone to

be disappointed, event spaces are limited. Once an event has been chosen and confirmed the relevant number of credits from your membership will be allocated to this event. If you need to cancel for any reason,

you must give twelve weeks notice or you will lose your allocation. If you have to cancel within the twelve weeks, you may allocate your places to guests if discussed with a director. If we have a waiting list and can fill

your places, your credits will be returned to you. Please endeavour to inform us of any need for cancellation at the earliest opportunity. Some of our events are very limited in space; where this is the case, we may be

able to secure multiple dates in order to offer as many spaces to members as possible. Should you require multiple spaces to an event (4 or more) then you must wait for us to confirm your booking. You must provide

The Partnership Collection with a filled in guest form for any guests that are accompanying you on an event 2 weeks prior to the date of the event. Some of our event partners do not offer cancellation terms, therefore

once an event is requested the admin team will inform you of the cancellation process (event by event) before confirming your places if you do not wish to adhere to the individual cancellation process in particular

sporting events, please inform us in writing.


Unless stated all hospitality is included within the membership for each booked event. Appropriate attire and behaviour are expected at all events as advised by the Partnership director. A full list of included hospitality

will be provided to members prior to them booking (each event may differ). Any hospitality or drinks over and above the advertised must be settled by the member or guest preferably by cash on the night, but no later

than 2 weeks after the event.


Our concierge services cover everything from booking cars; hotel rooms and upgrades to full holiday arrangements. Where we are block booking, we will always pass any discounts we secure on to our members. Our

concierge fees reflect the time, effort, research, and energy it takes to make these bookings on your behalf and are subject to a 10% commission fee. All members will be required to provide us with a debit or credit

card which will be held at GO Cardless and concierge invoices/payments will be requested via Go Cardless unless agreed by a director. Members will be informed of individual hotel cancellation terms at the time of

booking. The Partnership Collection will not issue refunds on accommodation or concierge bookings that are cancelled by members if the cancellation terms of the hotel are not adhered to. Travel abroad will be booked

via a third-party ABTA/ATOL registered travel agent on your behalf. Please ensure you have correct travel insurance in place including COVID cover.


Once each new calendar is published the places for each event are allocated on a first come, first served basis. It is therefore in your best interests to register your requests for places as soon as you can. Filling in our

online RSVPs or online booking forms are the best way to guarantee your places. Verbal or direct communication is not advised to secure your places. To communicate any bookings please contact the club hotline

on 07759 521756. Once you have told us of all your requests, please wait to receive official confirmation from us, which we will provide within 2 weeks of receiving your selections. If you are bringing guests to an

event, please ensure that we have your guests’ details before they attend. This includes their next of kin and dietary requirements. If you do not supply us with this information, they will not be covered by our insurance

and will therefore be ineligible to attend.


The Partnership Collection services is owned and operated by The Partnership Collection Ltd. By joining this membership, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. The Partnership may modify or revise

these terms and conditions at any time by updating this page. You will be bound by any such modifications or revisions from the time that they are made.


We take privacy issues seriously. Our current privacy statement covers our use of any information you provide. In joining, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms of our privacy statement.


You agree to comply with all applicable laws, statutes and regulations concerning your use of our services and membership. No warranty is given by The Partnership Collection Ltd and no liability shall be accepted

by The Partnership in respect of the quality, accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any advice given by or service provided by any third party associated or not with the Partnership.


The Partnership Collection Ltd shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused to you by your use of this membership, other than in respect of death or injury caused by The Partnership Collection Ltd negligence.

You are responsible for all personal belongings whilst on an event and should make sure any valuable items are covered by your own insurance. Your sole remedy in respect of any loss or damage shall be your right

to discontinue your use of the membership. This does not affect your statutory rights. It is your responsibility as a member to ensure your membership forms are completed in full on application of membership and

resubmitted on your annual renewal. Should there be any change of circumstance to your medical, next of kin, change of address or personal circumstances it is your responsibility as a member to update us.


All rights in the design, text, graphics, images, and other material contained within our membership and the selection or arrangement thereof are the copyright of The Partnership Collection Ltd or other third parties.


The Partnership Collection Ltd reserves the right to terminate any membership with no refund for any behaviour that brings the club into disrepute arising from excessive consumption of alcohol by its members or any

guests. You are solely responsible for the level of consumption by you or any guests you bring to a Partnership Collection event. The Partnership Collection reserves the right to refuse to serve any member or guest it

believes to be drunk or incapacitated due to alcohol levels. As a member you are requested to drink in a sensible manner.


The Partnership Collection ltd is not responsible for any technical or other issues that may arise if you download software from an external third-party website (e.g., Acrobat Reader) or upgrade your browser software

to enhance your usage of our website. www.thepartnershipcollection.com makes every effort to check and test material at all stages of production. It is always wise for users to own and use an anti-virus program on

all material downloaded from the Internet. The Partnership Collection Ltd cannot accept responsibility for any loss, disruptions or damage to your data or your computer system which may occur whilst using material

from this website.


If any part of these terms and conditions is unenforceable (including any provision excluding or limiting our liability) the enforceability of the remainder of these terms and conditions will not be affected.


The use of the website and these terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and the English courts shall have jurisdiction in relation thereof.

All members must be over 18. Membership is strictly non-transferable and is personal to each member. Under no circumstances may a member give, sell or transfer his/her membership without the prior permission of

a Director from the Partnership. If the management of the Partnership is of the opinion at any given time that there are insufficient members to fund the club’s activities at a level consistent with its objectives and the

terms of the members agreement, then its reserves the right not to proceed with the club and to refund to all those who have paid an annual membership fee the proportionate amount of that subscription without

interest. In the unfortunate death of a member, the remaining subscription can either be refunded or allocated to another named individual.


Entertainer Membership - An allocation of 18 credits to be used on a flexible basis throughout the year. Socialite Membership - An allocation of 12 credits to be used on a flexible basis throughout the year. Founder

Membership - An allocation of 25 credits to be used on a flexible basis throughout the year.

All memberships are on a strictly annual basis unless agreed with a Director of The Partnership Collection.


Subscriptions fees are agreed by a Director of The Partnership Collection either on an annual basis or monthly via GoCardless as per price tariff. Additional agreement made by and authorised by a Director only.

Membership is on an annual basis and includes all advertised and agreed events/activities within that given year. All subscriptions, deposits and waiting lists fees are non-refundable. A member may terminate his

membership after the first month by giving one month’s notice of their intention. Cancellation / termination of membership must be made in writing to The Partnership Director, at the above correspondence address.

Upon resignation of membership or failure to pay the monthly fee by the required date the member shall forfeit his or her subscription. Should a member be paying membership on a monthly basis and cancel their

subscription any additional event spaces, administration fees taken above fees paid are recoverable. Membership is one full calendar year from the date of joining and event spaces cannot be carried over from the

previous year. Regular emails will also be sent to members to ensure they are fully aware of every aspect of the Partnerships activities. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the maximum liability of the Partnership to

a member arising out of or in connection with the members membership of the club shall not exceed three times the most recent annual membership fee payable by the member at the time of the event or occurrence

giving rise to the liability. The Partnership Director will have the sole right and obligation to manage the day-to-day affairs of the club and will liaise with the relevant authorities to ensure all regulations are adhered to

all times. The Partnership Management reserves the right to terminate at any stage membership from individuals which it deems have brought either or both The Partnership into disrepute. Membership is strictly non-transferable. VAT will be added to all subscriptions and refunds. All members must fill in the personal information form on being accepted for membership and again at renewal, so we have up to date and current

information for all members for both health & safety and insurance purposes.


Event spaces are allocated to members on a first come first served basis, although every precaution has been taken to ensure members are given event options far enough in advance and we do not want anyone to

be disappointed, event spaces are limited. Once an event has been chosen and confirmed the relevant number of credits from your membership will be allocated to this event. If you need to cancel for any reason,

you must give twelve weeks notice or you will lose your allocation. If you have to cancel within the twelve weeks, you may allocate your places to guests if discussed with a director. If we have a waiting list and can fill

your places, your credits will be returned to you. Please endeavour to inform us of any need for cancellation at the earliest opportunity. Some of our events are very limited in space; where this is the case, we may be

able to secure multiple dates in order to offer as many spaces to members as possible. Should you require multiple spaces to an event (4 or more) then you must wait for us to confirm your booking. You must provide

The Partnership Collection with a filled in guest form for any guests that are accompanying you on an event 2 weeks prior to the date of the event. Some of our event partners do not offer cancellation terms, therefore

once an event is requested the admin team will inform you of the cancellation process (event by event) before confirming your places if you do not wish to adhere to the individual cancellation process in particular

sporting events, please inform us in writing.


Unless stated all hospitality is included within the membership for each booked event. Appropriate attire and behaviour are expected at all events as advised by the Partnership director. A full list of included hospitality

will be provided to members prior to them booking (each event may differ). Any hospitality or drinks over and above the advertised must be settled by the member or guest preferably by cash on the night, but no later

than 2 weeks after the event.


Our concierge services cover everything from booking cars; hotel rooms and upgrades to full holiday arrangements. Where we are block booking, we will always pass any discounts we secure on to our members. Our

concierge fees reflect the time, effort, research, and energy it takes to make these bookings on your behalf and are subject to a 10% commission fee. All members will be required to provide us with a debit or credit

card which will be held at GO Cardless and concierge invoices/payments will be requested via Go Cardless unless agreed by a director. Members will be informed of individual hotel cancellation terms at the time of

booking. The Partnership Collection will not issue refunds on accommodation or concierge bookings that are cancelled by members if the cancellation terms of the hotel are not adhered to. Travel abroad will be booked

via a third-party ABTA/ATOL registered travel agent on your behalf. Please ensure you have correct travel insurance in place including COVID cover.


Once each new calendar is published the places for each event are allocated on a first come, first served basis. It is therefore in your best interests to register your requests for places as soon as you can. Filling in our

online RSVPs or online booking forms are the best way to guarantee your places. Verbal or direct communication is not advised to secure your places. To communicate any bookings please contact the club hotline

on 07759 521756. Once you have told us of all your requests, please wait to receive official confirmation from us, which we will provide within 2 weeks of receiving your selections. If you are bringing guests to an

event, please ensure that we have your guests’ details before they attend. This includes their next of kin and dietary requirements. If you do not supply us with this information, they will not be covered by our insurance

and will therefore be ineligible to attend.


The Partnership Collection services is owned and operated by The Partnership Collection Ltd. By joining this membership, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. The Partnership may modify or revise

these terms and conditions at any time by updating this page. You will be bound by any such modifications or revisions from the time that they are made.


We take privacy issues seriously. Our current privacy statement covers our use of any information you provide. In joining, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms of our privacy statement.


You agree to comply with all applicable laws, statutes and regulations concerning your use of our services and membership. No warranty is given by The Partnership Collection Ltd and no liability shall be accepted

by The Partnership in respect of the quality, accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any advice given by or service provided by any third party associated or not with the Partnership.


The Partnership Collection Ltd shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused to you by your use of this membership, other than in respect of death or injury caused by The Partnership Collection Ltd negligence.

You are responsible for all personal belongings whilst on an event and should make sure any valuable items are covered by your own insurance. Your sole remedy in respect of any loss or damage shall be your right

to discontinue your use of the membership. This does not affect your statutory rights. It is your responsibility as a member to ensure your membership forms are completed in full on application of membership and

resubmitted on your annual renewal. Should there be any change of circumstance to your medical, next of kin, change of address or personal circumstances it is your responsibility as a member to update us.


All rights in the design, text, graphics, images, and other material contained within our membership and the selection or arrangement thereof are the copyright of The Partnership Collection Ltd or other third parties.


The Partnership Collection Ltd reserves the right to terminate any membership with no refund for any behaviour that brings the club into disrepute arising from excessive consumption of alcohol by its members or any

guests. You are solely responsible for the level of consumption by you or any guests you bring to a Partnership Collection event. The Partnership Collection reserves the right to refuse to serve any member or guest it

believes to be drunk or incapacitated due to alcohol levels. As a member you are requested to drink in a sensible manner.


The Partnership Collection ltd is not responsible for any technical or other issues that may arise if you download software from an external third-party website (e.g., Acrobat Reader) or upgrade your browser software

to enhance your usage of our website. www.thepartnershipcollection.com makes every effort to check and test material at all stages of production. It is always wise for users to own and use an anti-virus program on

all material downloaded from the Internet. The Partnership Collection Ltd cannot accept responsibility for any loss, disruptions or damage to your data or your computer system which may occur whilst using material

from this website.


If any part of these terms and conditions is unenforceable (including any provision excluding or limiting our liability) the enforceability of the remainder of these terms and conditions will not be affected.


The use of the website and these terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and the English courts shall have jurisdiction in relation thereof.